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The Beginning or the End?

Writer: winkleberryfarmwinkleberryfarm

Funny title but it is pretty much where my thoughts are right now! Is this the beginning or the end of this journey? I try to not mix my personal life into my business but I feel if I help one person or even let one person know that they are not alone, it was worth it. Winkleberry Farm is and always has been a journey filled with love, hopes and dreams. There were moments when I wanted to give up. I thought, "Everyone seems to be doing this" or "Why would anyone be interested in what I am doing". But, there would always be that one person that would tell me how much they appreciate and love what we are doing. That would always give me the fire I needed and I pushed on! We have had to re-focus our thought process when we moved my husband's mother back to Indiana from Florida because she was diagnosed with dementia. That has taken up a lot of our energy and time. We have two children that we are still partially raising and putting through college. My husband works a crazy 12 hour a day swing shift and I have a job outside of the home as well. Now, with all this being said, we are also trying to remodel the old farmhouse on the farm that was my Great Aunt and Uncle VanWinkle's. Hence the name WINKLEberry farm! Check out our Facebook page to follow along! To say we are running ragged would be an understatement! Then, this week, I was told because of an audit, I am getting a pay cut. Which led me to make the decision to give my resignation. This is where my thought process has taken me to this very moment. Is this the beginning or the end of my hopes and dreams? This is where that leap of faith comes in right? This is where you have to say I am going to sink or swim. I keep hoping this is a sign and a door that the Lord has opened for me to have more time to concentrate of the growth of the farm. But, then fear creeps in and says, "YOU CAN NOT MAKE IT WORK". Have you ever been there? You want something so strongly but are so afraid to reach for it and let go of everything safe and stable to be able to grab it. I am there. So, do I sink or swim? Is this the beginning or the end? Maybe we only get a handful of opportunities to achieve something great and do something meaningful. If we do, and this is mine, I better take it. If I fail, at least I can say I tried. If I don't try, I will fail regardless. If you are out there right now having the same conversation with yourself, I hope you try to. I hope your faith is greater than your fear. I hope you the very best in your journey and hope it is just the beginning!



Winkleberry Farm

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